
When we talk about riding rules, we’re not referring to the rules put in place by the governing body under which you compete or your livery yard rules, we mean your own personal set of riding rules that you swear by. Recently we asked One Club members for their horse riding rules, and we loved the responses, some are very important, some made us smile but most of all we can relate to most of them. We wanted to share their horse riding rules with you in this blog, we hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did:


  • ALWAYS wear a hat, Hi-Viz when hacking and make sure your phone has enough battery if you’re going hacking.


  • ALWAYS make sure your horse is wearing matchy matchy items. Try to colour coordinate your jodhpurs with them too.


  • IF you don’t feel like doing it, don’t do it!


  • ALWAYS go for a wee before getting on. Always.


  • NEVER put another rider down. Our sport is hard enough as it is, appreciate the hard work and congratulate where praise is due.


  • ALWAYS check your girth before getting on.


  • WHEN riding in a group, ride to the ability of the least experienced rider and always check before increasing the pace.


  • ALWAYS smile at the dressage judge, nod at the showjumping starter and thank the cross-country officials as you’re zooming out the start box.


  • LIVE by the three C’s – be calm, be confident and stay controlled.


  • ALWAYS breathe. And when you find yourself not breathing, SING!


  • ALWAYS have Tena lady to hand and it’s worth teaching your horse to stand still while you’re having a nature wee, don’t let them learn to push you over…


  • ALWAYS have fun.


  • Try really hard not to fall off. And if you do, get straight back on again.


  • EVERY bush has a monster in it.


  • For the mums out there that lead their children’s ponies, ALWAYS have a snack and drinks to hand, wear trainers – don’t try and run in wellies and have a camera ready for action shots.