Recently on Instagram we noticed Harry Hall ambassador Kirsty Fitch had taken matters into her own hands and was busy sawing, gluing and painting wood to make her own fillers! We asked her for a blog on this as we thought it would be handy for us all to know how to make a spooky show jumping course on the cheap, then we can spend more money at HarryHall.com!
No money to be buying expensive jump fillers for your yard? No worries! There is an easy alternative way in which you can create show jumping fillers to your heart’s desire.
I’ve always had problems with my horse, Ruby, spooking at fillers whilst out at competitions so I wanted to find my own way to create ‘spooky’ fillers to play with at home. All you need is time, wood supplies, a few pots of paint and a creative mind.
I used MDF board to create my fillers, there are different shapes and types out there, but I found these ones work best, as they’re easy to work with and quick to paint! If you’re using old wood make sure you check it for, and remove, any old nails that maybe be hiding in there.
Grab a few pots of outdoor paint (the stuff you would normally use for fencing or sheds) and a paint brush, then you’re good to go!
Start by painting the wood, both sides with a background colour. Let it dry fully and give it a couple of coats (so the wood doesn’t show through if it gets chipped). Then create the design you want on your filler - I went with spots. Other ideas are rainbows, stripes, plain colours, union jack or waves.
Once it has dried screw some brackets or wooden legs onto the back of your filler so it can stand on its own. And VOILA you have you own filler!
I also created my own ‘mini’ water trays as this is something Ruby always spooks at. These were super easy to make as well.
You will need more MDF and some smooth skirting to create a tray look. Paint the MDF boards whatever colour you wish, I recommend blue to make them as realistic as possible. Then glue the skirting boards to the outside of the wood to give them an ‘edge’ and finish with a final coat of paint so the skirting colour matches the board.
Now you have your very own fillers to play with, and they didn’t cost a fortune, hurray! I made these for under £80, much cheaper than readymade ones and if your horse gets used to them, you can repaint.
If you make any contact me on my Facebook or Instagram page @Kirsty Fitch Equestrian so we can compare notes.
Kirsty x