Harry Hall's Charity Campaign December 2020 - the shortlist has been announced and you have until 23rd December 2020 to cast your vote! Find out which charities have made it into the final 10 and how to cast your vote
Harry Hall Trusted by you, inspired by you, here for you. Harry Hall Charities – Chosen by you.
Over 3000 nominations have been received and a shortlist of 10 can finally be revealed. In no particular order:
Bransby Horses
The Horse Trust
World Horse Welfare
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
Riding for the Disabled Association
Blue Cross
Brooke, Action for Working Horses and Donkeys
HAPPA – Horses and Ponies Protection Association
Cleveland Bay Horse Society
The Moorland Mousie Trust / Exmoor Pony Centre
Now they need your vote more than ever! Head this way to cast your vote to help your favourite charity become one of our charity partners in 2021.
What will Harry Hall's 2021 charity partners get?
Harry Hall will be supporting three registered charities in 2021. When you join the Harry Hall One Club, take out insurance, go shopping, either online or on the Harry Hall Riding App, we’ll donate to your chosen charities every time. We will donate 5p from every purchase to the charity fund. We will give you the option to donate at the checkout as well, we will also donate unsold clothing, horse equipment and supplements to our nominated charities. And twice during 2021, we will double the donation amount in one calendar month. We will feature our charities in our magazine and support them on social media and via the Harry Hall website.
How does voting work:
1) From 17th – 23rd December simply vote for 1 of the 10 charities listed. Either on our pinned social media posts or by heading to this webpage.
2) On the 24th December Harry Hall will announce the three winning charities chosen by you.
3) From 1st January 2021 for the next 12 months, when you join the Harry Hall One Club, take out insurance, go shopping, either online or on the Harry Hall Riding App, we’ll donate every time. On every shopping order, new membership and new insurance products.