Loaning is something the horse world sometimes overlooks, many of us jump straight in and buy, others fear loaning their horse to the wrong person. Like with anything there are negative experiences and it may not be for everyone but loaning a horse is certainly something you should consider when looking to find your next equine partner or when having to make the decision to say goodbye. Whether you’re an owner or loaner read on to find out all the ins and outs of horse loaning.
Loaning offers a variety of options suited to the individual loaner/owner and horse. Some options may include a monthly fee, some may be livery or farrier contributions or other costs associated with having a horse of your own and others may even involve no cost. Some loans may involve certain time frames whereas others might be for life.
Common types of horse loaning include:
Full-horse loan:
This includes the full loan of the horse, commonly this will include the horse to be moved to your chosen yard (normally chosen in agreement with the owner) or will stay on the owner’s current yard. The horse will be in full care of the loaner 24/7, seven days a week just like owning your own horse so you need to be committed, it’s a big responsibility. This may be an alternative to owning your own horse if you do not have the money to purchase a horse upfront. Or for owners, loaning may be a better short-term option, for example when the rider is moving away to university or to travel for a year.
To loan your horse out on full loan is a good way to ensure your horse is not passed on, you can visit regularly and know their whereabouts as well as still having control over the horse with the ability to intervene if needed. Perfect for the outgrown family pony which you can’t bear to part with but don’t want to retire yet.
Part-horse loan:
This will involve loaning the horse a few days a week, normally the horse will stay at its current yard and be looked after partly by yourself and partly by the owner. It’s an excellent way to get used to owning a horse without full-time commitment or to fit around work, study, and other commitments. Part-loan may range from one day to seven days, dependent on the contract the owner sets and what your duties are. For example, you may be required to have the sole responsibility for the horse three days a week while the owner looks after the horse for the other four days. A part loan is a good way for the owner to share responsibility without having to sell their horse. It also helps spread the costs of owning a horse.
Loaning a horse with a view to buy:
This is where a horse is loaned out to a potential buyer to ensure the horse and new owner are happy before the actual sale of the horse. This could be on the horse’s current yard or a potential new yard.

What should I watch out for when loaning a horse?
Issues with loaning involve having no ownership of the horse, which potentially means having the fear of the horse taken off you. Many contracts/loan agreements have a 30-day notice clause in place unless of cause the horses' welfare is compromised. This is a real downside of loaning but it is a risk you have to take if buying your own is not feasible. Planning a potential time frame of the loan may help beforehand. For example, an owner loaning out a horse due to an injury to themselves is probably going to be a shorter loan than an owner loaning the horse out due to time commitments with a new horse or university.
This does work both ways, as an owner, there is the potential for the horse to come back to you with very little notice. So before loaning, make sure there's an agreed notice period in the contract so you can prepare for having sole responsibility of the horse again.
Not having full ownership also means what you think is best may differ from the horses’ owners. Be prepared to have a lot less flexibility loaning than owning. Make sure before any changes you agree on it with the horse’s owner, some owners will be more flexible others may want notifying of any changes. Remember they are trusting you with their pride and joy, you may feel like they are being strict and too involved but they only want what’s best for their horse.
As an owner, it can be hard to see someone else with your horse and it can be easy to stick your nose in and interfere, sometimes without realising. Make sure you don’t overwhelm the new loaner, they will have your horses best intentions at heart. Keep in contact and don’t be a stranger to your loaner but don’t check up too much, you may put them off! And a top tip is to let them know when you'd like to see the horse instead of turning up at the yard unannounced.
For more help with the legal aspect of loaning your horse, check out our legal helpline page.
Why loaning a horse is good
Loaning allows you to enjoy owning a horse without the significant financial and time commitment required with sole ownership. It's also a great way to bridge a gap, especially if you're coming back to riding after a break or you're looking to make the step from ponies to horses.
As an owner loaning out your horse lets you keep them in the family without the financial costs and time commitment. If you can no longer provide what your horse needs then allowing someone else to love them is a good feeling especially in long term loans.
A top tip when loaning a horse
Whether you are a loaner or an owner make sure you have a signed contract in place. Know what your responsibilities are, and as the owner make sure you are happy with the new loaner and the place the horse will be staying if a yard move is on the cards. Doing so will help make it a positive and smooth loan and you'll have a happy horse. It's also worth checking a potential loaner has the correct insurance in place. At Harry Hall our public liability insurance for horse riders covers and individual for public liability and personal accident cover for up to two horses that they own, loan or ride. For a small monthly amount, this insurance gives you peace of mind and protects you should the horse cause damage to someone else's property. Find out more about the One Club here.
Thank you to Megan Pollitt for writing this blog for us, you can see more from Megan on her Instagram.