
  1. Veterinary Nursing

    Veterinary Nursing

    Veterinary nursing seems to be a a popular career choice for many young equestrians. A lot of people I work with/know either have horses or are interested in riding. On Instagram especially I get asked a lot of similar questions as to what qualifications you need, how I got my training placement and

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  2. Gaining Confidence

    Gaining Confidence

    Whether you're a beginner learning how to ride, or you have been riding for many years but have had a fall recently, gaining confidence can be really hard. Last year I had a massive knock to my confidence over nothing dramatic and finding it again took some time. Eventually with a lot of hard work and

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  3. Ride That Fizzy Horse

    Ride That Fizzy Horse

    Riding a forward horse can be quite daunting especially if you're lacking in confidence and experience. As every horse is different you need to learn how to change your riding according to each horse. I remember riding a very forward horse called Vogue in the riding school and being intimidated as she

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