Harry Hall are bursting at the seams with horse loving people and after a recent chat with Marketing Director Rachel, we thought her horse-riding story should be shared.
“Mum and dad tell me I said the word “horses” before “mummy and daddy”, so you could say I was hooked on horses from the start. My parents came from the centre of Liverpool so the only time they saw a horse was when the milkman scurried past on his morning round, so I guess it was a bit scary for them having a horse mad daughter. They probably wondered where my obsession came from, I guess none of us know!
At the age of 4, dad took me for my first riding lesson. The pony I rode was called Snowy and he was a grey Shetland pony. I loved every minute of it and had to be dragged off Snowy at the end of the lesson. Fast forward a few years and I got my first pony, Fred. A coloured Shetland, Fred bucked me off more times than I had hot dinners, but I adored him, and he taught me how to ride.
These days my husband, who is called Fred (spot the coincidence) and I have 5 horses between us. Fred likes to go out for hacks and gallops around at high speeds, whilst I am addicted to dressage. I have a lovely, KWPN mare called First, we bought her from Holland 4 years ago and it’s been quite a journey - this year we are aiming to do our first Prix St. George. Over the years, one thing has never changed - my enjoyment for the sport. I’m loving the journey we are on and have so much fun competing, because that’s what it’s all about. My dad always said to me – the day you don’t enjoy it, is the day you stop. I’ve never stopped enjoying it, so I’ve never stopped. I’m excited for what lies ahead this year and will keep you updated as we progress towards competing at PSG.
One Sunday night, after a successful day competing, I was unpacking the horse box, thinking about the week ahead and figured I need to do a top up on my spring horse essentials”.
Here’s my shopping list for 10 things my horse needs right now:
1) Fly Spray – the warm weather is coming and bringing with it the flies.
2) New fly masks - I like them to wear clean ones every day, so there is always one in the wash, one drying and one on my horse.
3) New tail bandage – the last one has seen better days and has a few “you know what” stains.
4) White competition gloves – they don’t stay white for long.
5) Another Masta wash bag, for all the washing of rugs, boots, fly masks and bandages.
6) Hoof Oil - we are nearly out, and the ground is hard, I like to apply it daily in the spring and summer months.
7) Plaiting bands to carry in the horsebox. I can’t remember how many times mine have popped off on the way to an event and I’ve been searching for spares.
8) More Mastacare Coat shine, Mane and Tail spray and Lavender wash – they speed up grooming, smell lovely and make my horses shiny too.
9) Hay bag for use in the horsebox, easier to fill than a haynet and not as bulky in the horse area. I have one, but if we are out all day, we need another for the trip home.
10) Masta pack-a-way rain sheet – I keep meaning to buy one of these as it’s bound to rain when I’m out at a competition all day and I’ll be annoyed if it does and I don’t have one packed away.
Let us know how you get ready for the competition season ahead and what your lorry essentials are by commenting below. Don't forget to shop the Harry Hall Big Event Sale to grab your essentials for less.