Clare MacLeod MSc RNutr is a Registered Equine Nutritionist who provides unbiased peace of mind with nutrition solutions for owners who want the very best for their horses. She provides bespoke consultancy and runs a regularly updated extensive library of nutrition information at the Equine Nutrition Learning Centre. We caught up with Clare to find out where her passion came from and what she hopes horse owners will get from working with her.
Clare is passionate about helping owners with the nutrition, health and fitness of their horse or pony, whether they are pets, leisure horses or top competition animals. Clare is a horse-feeding, nutrition and health expert with both scientific qualifications and years of practical experience.
“I founded my company to help owners do the best for their horses with independent advice, rather than advice biased by product sales. We have a great choice of feed, supplement and healthcare products for horses, but this wide choice creates confusion and the very foundation of good nutrition and health can be overlooked.
With this in mind, Clare is passionate about correct nutrition as a foundation for good health, without which peak fitness is not possible. "Good nutrition isn’t everything, but there’s nothing without it.
Clare is registered with the Association for Nutrition. The AfN’s Register of Nutritionists is run to "Protect the public and promote high standards in evidence-based science and professional practice of nutrition."
About Clare
Clare has been fascinated by horses since she took her first steps, and her love for these magnificent animals has never waned. She has always been passionate about learning and after enjoying academic work at school, realised she would follow a career in horse-related science. “I feel so privileged to be able to work doing what I love” she explains. “I grew up questioning everything (thank you to my very patient parents) so I loved the rigour of science. Whilst good science throws up more questions than answers, it gives us the backbone to help make decisions about our horse care that will help, not hinder”.
"I’m passionate about ensuring horse owners have an unbiased and truthful source of information” Clare has her own horses, which as well as an essential learning tool, have allowed her to understand fully what owners are going through when they have nutrition or health challenges with their horses.
The Equine Nutrition Learning Centre (ENLC)
Clare has a passion for translating technical and scientific information into useful practical strategies for horse owners. The ENLC was developed in Clare’s quest to answer the mounting number of questions she received. The ENLC is a special resource of quality nutrition and health information, available through membership which also gives direct access to a community that is a safe place for chat, discussion and support. Find out more about Equine Nutritionists
What ENLC Members get: Peace of mind
- Instant answers
- Nutrition solutions
- Quality, honest information which is unbiased and impartial
- Regular new content
- Affordable, lifelong learning
- No adverts
- Private Facebook Community - the Equine Nutrition Learning Centre Hub
- Cancel any time
- All for just £9 per month
Bespoke Consultancy
In one-to-one Nutrition Consultations, Clare provides professional, unbiased advice for individual horses and for yards. For owners too far for a Consultation Visit, Clare offers a remote, distance service giving owners advice and ongoing support which involves a telephone or video call, a bespoke Nutrition Advice Report and follow up sessions. One Club members can get an exclusive 10% discount on a single horse consultation package with Clare, click here to see the exclusive discount .
Find Clare at:
Find out about all Clare’s services and sign up on the email list to keep up to date
- www.equinenutritionist.co.uk
Become a member and get peace of mind and instant nutrition solutions, and access to a private supportive community of horse owners and riders
- https://www.equinenutritionist.com/other-services Join a lively, encouraging and educational
Facebook page - www.facebook.com/ClareMacLeodEquineNutritionist