On the 29th January 2022 there were some fundamental changes to the Highway Code in the UK.
The rules were updated to improve the safety of people walking, cycling and horse riding on roads.
Even though the changes have now come into law, many people are still not aware of the changes, we’ll bring you the latest changes and explain what these High Way Code changes mean for horse riders.
- Equal Rights – horse riders and cyclists are now viewed evenly in the eyes of the highway code, pedestrians are at the top of the list followed by horse riders and cyclists, with larger vehicles at the end.
- Vehicles passing horse riders or driving horse-drawn vehicles must do so at 10 mph or less and they must allow at least 2 metres (6.5 feet) of space around the whole animal.
- Vehicles behind the horse and rider and should not attempt to overtake if it’s unsafe or not possible to meet the clearances mentioned above.
This has to be good news to horse riders in the UK and the hope is it makes riding on the roads safer. Tell all your horse riding friends about the High Way Code changes so they can famil iarise themselves with the updated rules.
Be in the know and have the cover you need.
Over the last ten years, traffic on the roads has increased by a staggering 40% and with at least one horse riding-related incident reported every day in the UK. All this means it’s essential you have peace of mind when you venture out on to the roads.
Harry Hall Public Liability Insurance starts from as little as a cup of coffee per month, for this you are covered for up to £10 million of Public Liability cover along with £10K Personal Accident cover. To view the full terms and conditions of the policy take a look here .
Wearing Hi Viz gives drivers extra time to see you
Don’t be a dark horse, b y wearing Hi-Viz clothing, you are giving other road users the best chance to see you. You will be giving drivers an extra three seconds to react to seeing you, this may not sound much but you are effectively giving the driver an additional 40metres of stopping distance if they are travelling at 30mph, that’s the length of a standard riding arena!
Check out the range of affordable Hi-Viz products for horse, rider and even dogs.
Useful Reading Links – Riding Safely on the roads.
For full details of the changes to the Highway Code take a here GOV.UK