The Stigma Associated with Equestrian Careers
I could write a list as long as my arm on the uneducated comments I’ve heard and received in the years I’ve been working with and studying horses. Horses are my passion, hobby and career and I’m proud to work in the equine industry, if you’ve ever heard any of the below comments then this blog is for you!
“Horses are pointless animals”
“When are you going to get a proper job?”
“Anyone can do an equine degree”
“Well what are you going to do with an equine degree? Be a groom?”
“Equine management? So you manage a stable?”
“I’d love to do your job it’s looks so easy, playing with horses all day”
The list goes on...!
Why is it when you say you work with horses, the majority of people (although not everyone) scoff and look down their nose at you? I’ve had people say that any education associated with horses is pointless and an ‘easy’ option for people that ‘aren’t clever enough’ to do A-levels or ‘normal’ degrees.
The equestrian industry in the UK is huge and it’s calling out for knowledgeable and passionate people to stay in the industry and keep it going. Whether it’s the people who care for the nurse / accountant / receptionist / doctor’s pony that they bought for their child or the grooms who work for professional riders, without whom the rider could not function. Or the grooms and yard owners that care for the racehorses that non-horsey people bet on weekly. Or the horses that pull carriages at weddings, police horses or therapy horses. The nutritionist that develops and monitors feed to keep the animals going or the equestrian fashion brand that provides appropriate safety wear and technical clothing for the UK’s 19 million equestrian consumers. The list of jobs in the equine industry is endless.
My path into the equine industry started after secondary school when I went to study a Level 3 in Equine management achieving distinctions in almost every piece of work I did. I stayed on to achieve a BSC Honours degree, and now, at the age of 22 I run a livery yard with 17 horses on full Livery. Everyone from my college class has gone into amazing jobs that wouldn’t have been possible without their degrees!
To anyone reading this who is worried about pursuing a career in the equestrian industry because of the negative comments you might receive, I urge you to block them out, if it’s what you want to do go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you’ve imagined.